Monday, 20 May 2013

When the common is defied

“When the Federation and CCODE came and introduced this project to Blantyre City Council through our Director of Planning a year or so ago, I thought it was going to be like any other project. I have heard a lot about community development and this project was about community-led slum upgrading. Therefore, I looked at this project as business as usual.”

That is how sceptical Louisa Nyalo, Community Development Officer at Blantyre City Council, was at the onset of SDI-7 Cities project. 

But she can be forgiven because in most projects, communities suffer from dependency syndrome. They always look up to outsiders for support, so why would Nyalo expect a surprise?

But the common was to be challenged, the unexpected tested and Nyalo’s thinking defied.

She accepts that the SDI-7 project has strengthened relationship between the Council and local leaders in the informal settlements. She testified that community leaders now share their plans with the council, something which was non-existent before.

“Unlike most of the projects I have seen implemented, I think there is true community participation in this project. The communities actually know why they are doing profiles, and why they have to plan their settlements,” said Nyalo.

“What has impressed me is the fact that some of the communities have started upgrading their basic infrastructure through the other projects of water and sanitation that CCODE is implementing in the City.” 

She further said communities are able to transform themselves citing Nancholi where people have improved own sanitation and access to piped water.

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